Thursday, June 12, 2008

Canteen - Breakfast

The first day I step into the company cafeteria, I was first impressed by the clean white bright indoor & absolutely amazing outdoor dining place. Fruit juices, soft drinks & coffee are right beside the bread bar while milks (full cream, low fat & sour milks) are available in a small fridge underneath the carbonated drink 'dispenser'.

Sorry that the bread selection looks limited on the picture. What happen was: after I took picture, lots of new bread were delivered to the rack. I was too embarrased to take second picture then because a lady approached me & told me that the cook was so nervous, thinking I'm representative from health / food control, trying to catch his potential mistake. That is so so so so so embarrasing....I nearly dug a hole & burried myself on the spot.

A Danish colleague find it weird that I'm eating bread with salami & cheese. He likes cheese with fruit jams instead, hmm.... Both tasted good anyway, so, who cares? lol...Btw, they have a cute cheese cutter to slice our own cheese. Not a usual tool that we can see in Asia but then again, I'm too embarrased to take picture in canteen. Maybe i'll try it with cell phone one day, maybe. :)

Considering it was a sunny bright day, I took my breakfast at the outdoor cafeteria. Weather is nice but the wind is strong (& the sun seems a little too bright too)... So it's probably the first & also the only time I have breakfast outdoor, I guess. Here's how the outdoor cafeteria outdoor looks (I dare not take picture indoor, still embarrased).


Can Bass 1 said...

I must say it sounds a lot better than the cathedral refectory.

Finlands finest said...

Hey--I just found your blog randomly. Enjoy your time in Denmark. I hear it is a lovely country!

I would be embarassed about taking more pics too. I hope they and you can get over it!

My blog:

-thethinker- said...

I was so happy that finally someone else have "helped" me to take those photos.. hahaha..

to show how much i appreciate that.. I will dig a hole for you for your next photo session.
No No, no need to thank me.. It is my pleasure !

Unknown said...

Sounds to me like he's got something to hide. To find out, I suggest that you show up everyday with your camera in hand to keep him on his toes. Linger at the counter with a serious expression on your face while you pick out your choice of bread (knowing you, it will take you ages to decide on what to eat, hence he is sure to notice you). He might offer you some extra bread as a bribe or pee in your soup... so either way we'd have our answer.