23-Jun-2008, Sankt Hans Day (Midsummer Day) in Denmark where the coast line will come to 'live' with hundreds of bonfires lit between 8 - 10pm. It is one of the most fundamental Danish tradition. Traditionally speaking, midsummer songs will be sang during the event but what I experienced was a little more 'modern' - songs are played through radio instead, lol...
Upper Pic: Piles & piles of wood/grass stacks
Lower Pic: Fire!
Such celebration is believed to ward off evil spirits and witches and protect land or animals from bad curse. Some bonfires have a witch doll (made of straw and cloth) in remembrance of the church's witch burnings. A mean friend warned me about the witch burning tradition & asked me to stay home (I'm not a witch, I'll go out! & I did)

Upper Pic: kerosene is used to aid the fire burning & fire extinguisher to put out the fire, haha
Lower Pic: what's left...

My Danish colleagues highly recommended me to experience this enjoyable event but after walking 2 hours along the coast line, wrapped myself like an onion (a long sleeve shirt, a sweater & a wind breaker) to protect myself against the strong wind and watched piles after piles of similar bonfires, my only thought is: I prefer the Tuborg beer after 2hrs walk on the beach ;)
A lot of fun? er...maybe not this time.

Lower Pic: Fire!

Such celebration is believed to ward off evil spirits and witches and protect land or animals from bad curse. Some bonfires have a witch doll (made of straw and cloth) in remembrance of the church's witch burnings. A mean friend warned me about the witch burning tradition & asked me to stay home (I'm not a witch, I'll go out! & I did)

Upper Pic: kerosene is used to aid the fire burning & fire extinguisher to put out the fire, haha
Lower Pic: what's left...

My Danish colleagues highly recommended me to experience this enjoyable event but after walking 2 hours along the coast line, wrapped myself like an onion (a long sleeve shirt, a sweater & a wind breaker) to protect myself against the strong wind and watched piles after piles of similar bonfires, my only thought is: I prefer the Tuborg beer after 2hrs walk on the beach ;)
A lot of fun? er...maybe not this time.
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