Saw a pacifier tree in Fredericksberg Garden. Initially I thought it was for some events/celebration but was told by my friend that it's more like a 'ritual'. He believes it originates from Sweden.
Parents bring toddlers to throw away their pacifiers by hanging it around the tree (some even carefully wrapped in plastic bags with wishing cards). Doing that, toddlers leave behind babyhood and ready to move forward into their childhood.
Picture parents bringing their children back to the tree & tell them stories. Wouldn't it be nice to go back to see your own 'toddler-hood' one day even when you're grown?
Who knows, one day we may see a 'cigarette tree' to quit smoking or 'broken-heart tree' to leave behind sour memories...
Thats great! Where is the broken heart tree--I need that one :)
You sounded too happy to need a 'broken heart' tree ;)
Anyway, if you really need one, before I find it, get some ice-cream. I think it has instant cheer up effect :)
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