So Day1, I had mushroom asparagus white sauce spaghetti which tasted okay except the sauce is sour (think something might be wrong with the cream). Here's how it looks like:-

Day2, in order to 'deplete' the mushroom, I had frozen mixed meat pizza (which actually tasted okay after baking) fully 'covered' with sliced mushrooms. Unfortunately I still can't finish my 250g mushroom. So day3, I tried another variations of white sauce on baked salmon (glazed with orange juice, orange 'stolen' from canteen at work). This time the sauce tasted good (but too watery) and the thickest part of the salmon fillet is very much raw... :(

After having 3 days of 'mushroomy' meals in a row (thank goodness whit sauce is very versatile), I decided to pamper myself with some dollar pancakes (pre-made), devilishly cover them with rich caramel & chocolate, topped with vanilla ice cream. Nice but I still prefer my 'self-made' ChunHar pancake :p
Cocktail sausage + emmentaler cheese + toast on skewer. The combination actually exist because I have left over of each items (actually quite a lot of them, emmentaler cheese is still in my fridge but it can stay there long, so no concern). I really tried hard to finish a loaf of sandwich bread but some slices are still left over after the skewer thing. ran out of idea & tired, I baked the remaining pieces at 140degree celcius & made some breadcrumbs.

And so, on day5, I found a way to use up the breadcrumbs that I made - spinach fettucini with breadcrumbed scampi served with white sauce (of course...I have to finish the remaining 38% fat cooking cream). Tried a third variation of white sauce but it seems like my second attempt is still better (will continue to try until the best recipe is found). The scampi is lovely..except now I have half a pack of frozen scampi left in my freezer.

Well, I guess that a common problem for single person's (or even for two people's) dining. Eating out daily is boring & expensive (at least in Copenhagen) but cooking will often lead to excessive material left over situation. Since I'm not filthy rich & I'll have to be creative about reusing same ingredient to create different recipe then ;)
You always make me soo hungry and jealous of you! Glad you are so creative with your meals!
haha...I found some nice blogs with really tempting baking ideas...will definitely try out & post about it =)
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