Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I am sad to announce I can no longer visit any castle / musuem in Europe (well, certain places) for free since I past my recent birthday. I always feel reluctant to grow up, having the fear that I can no longer be childish and can no longer 'utilize' my 'young innocent look'. However, there is this one thing that keeps me looking forward to birthday -- present :)

This year, away from home, I celebrate it a little different from how I used to. Baked 2 chocolate banana cake, brought to work & shared with my colleagues; bought a jacket for myself; received a noise cancelling earpiece, perfect for in flight usage (I check the price out later to realize it's expensive), 2 french cook books (in English, the author wrote the famous 'Chocolate'), a Gaudi book & a couple of 'art-ish' books about Picasso & Max Ernst.

Had a wonderful dinner at Khun Juk, a highly recommended Thai restaurant offering modern Thai food http://www.khunjuk.dk/. The starter was brilliant while the main course is so-so. As for dessert, I had mangosteen & 'buah langsat' for the very first time in Copenhagen accompanied with home made coconut ice cream. The best part: I don't have to pay the high price, haha...I wish everyday is my birthday now.

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