Typically seafood can be picked from the aquarium while they're still alive. The unlucky one will be cooked with different preparation method (steam, grill, fried, with special sauce, sashimi style etc). Confused with which seafood to pick or what style to eat? just ask the waiter / waitresses for some recommendation based on your preference, they give good advice ;)
Seafood takes some time to prepare so some chicken satays were ordered as an appetizer to save us from starvation. It was really good with the slightly spicy peanut sauce. Very good. Satay is typically grilled on top of charcoal grill, I tried to made it in Copenhagen with oven (grill function), they just don't taste the same :s

We go for fried crabs coated with salted egg yolk & some curry leaves. Super high cholesterol but also finger licking good. Got a teochew style steam fish (slightly sour with the sour vegetable & tomatoes) in clear soup, very soothing. Perfect with the fried rice that we ordered.

'Kam Heong kapak' is one of the cheaper & very local. The clams used to cost next to nothing but since restaurants start to use them in their menu, suddenly they are worth 'something'. This one is really spicy (or perhaps my spicy tolerance has reduced), I was almost in my tears when I accidentally bit one of the small spicy cili-padi.
That coconut milk looks amazing. I laughed when I saw the fish tail in the one dish. :)
it's very common to serve the whole fish (including heaad & tail) in M'sia :)
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