It starts with taking a ride in Europe's fastest elevator to Postdamer Platz No. 1, 100meters above ground level with panatomic view of Berlin where landmarks such as Brandenburg Tor, Reichstag, TV Tower, the Jewish memorial & other attractions are easily recognize (visual aids are available to help tourists 'recognize' the famous landmarks).
Coming down from Postdamer Platz, me & my friend proceed to take up teh 285 steps challenge up the Berlin Vitory Column ( which are not so difficult actually. Standing on top, you feel like you're in the 'center' because the column is placed in the middle of a 4 lanes roundabout.

Pic: Views at/from Berlin's Victory Column
I've wanted to take the Berlin air ballon ride since day1 when I found out the info from the tourist booklet but due to bad weather, I've missed the opportunities 3 days in a row (it's located near to Check Point Charlie, so I actually went through Checkpoint Charlie 3 times in a row, that's why I don't find CPC so interesting anymore). However, just when I thought I'd never get to take the ride during this trip, I spotted the balloon in the air (which means it's in service) from top of the Victory Column!

Quickly hurried myself down the stairs, me & my friend rush to the air balloon site, worried that the service might stop due to strong wind / rain (it started drizzling a little). The goddess of luck is finally on my side this day. Manage to take the ride, 150m above ground level, in the air, with 360degree panaromic view of Berlin right underneath my feet. The 'balloon pilot' wanted to show me the attractions locations but accummulating my morning Postdamer Platz + Victory Column's 'Berlin from Top' experiences, I can pretty much figure it out myself (surprised the pilot though, lol)

The views are nice from top, gives you the 'overview' of Berlin. I like the balloon ride the most. Aside from the excitement of 'flying' in the air, the panaromic view from the balloon is actually the best. When I'm in the Platz or at the column, certian angle of Berlin is always missing. Well, one just have to be lucky with the weather to take the balloon ride :)
I am sooooooooooooo jealous! I want to take an air balloon ride!!!
Took me so many tries to get on it, but it's worth it =)
wow~! first time visiting your blog... never know it's so interesting.. hope u enjoy everything over there :)
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