More about Vienna...
St.Stephen's church in the old town city centre, again my poor camera can only capture half of the church, there's a much taller gothic style 'spike' on the right. Some parts of the church is also under 'reconstruction / maintenance' but the Austrians definitely have a nicer way of covering the under construction parts than the Spaniards :)

I do not know what this building is, I'm guessing it's Hofburg but I can't be sure. Didn't even walk into the building, sick & tired...

Really like this statue right beside 'Hofburg' though, I wish my pictures are stronger but that's all I've got :s

Karlsplatz, an underground station turned tourist attraction. I think it's nice for a station but a little under the bar as tourist attraction. The church a stone throw away was pretty nice though.

I like this picture of Karlskirche, had some other ones but decided to post this one :p Again, too little time because the day was planned for Schoenbrunn Palace, and I didn't regret sacrificing visiting Karlskirche for it.

Schoebrunn palace is huge, and I mean HUGE! Just the entrance will require at least 10 shots to make a complete paranomic picture so I decided to shoot a quick video instead. I think Google / wikipedia has a better 360 degree picture, but then again, mine is MINE :)
Lots of toursists flocking the palace but still you don't feel over crowded, kind of shows how gigantic the place is isn't it? Aside from the huge palace & the Sisi museum, the back garden is impressive. If it's your first visit, I guarantee you'll be stunned, at least I was. A majestic fountain stands at the end of the garden and stretch your eyes to a strikingly impressive gate on the hill top overseeing the palace. The palace also houses a zoo, yes, a zoo.
Unfortunately, being still sick in rainy day, I really didn't make much out of this trip. If anyone were to travel to Vienna and miss Schoenbrunn Palace, that's a really big regret. I'll definitely plan a trip back to Vienna again and a day solely for this palace.
Back to the city and walked pass the famous Café Central. How about a cup of Wiener Melange and a piece of Viennist sweet cakes for a poetic afternoon? Sounds nice isn't it? Well, next time, I guess.
I like Vienna, even though I think it's more 'artificial' than Budapest / Prague with all the huge nicely crafted buildings & statues but undeniably, it's a city full of music and arts. Just by walking on the street makes your head feels lighter. The only remark is: a weekend trip to Vienna will be unfair to both the city & to yourself. Spend a week at the minimum... or at least that's what I plan to do again, sometime in future :)